Al Yanbou Co

ISM Middle East 2023


Al Yanbu company has achieved the highest degrees of development and advancement within a record time in the market and has worked to expand in the Arab Gulf market . For this reason, in 2013, the company opened a factory in the United Arab Emirates with the adoption of qualified workers and specialized skills in the manufacture of dipped biscuits, stuffed and sad, stuffed wafers and chocolate dipped, taking into account the use of raw materials with high quality specifications and its reliance on modern technologies are the latest and best in the world of food industries to efficiently and accurately match the best products
Hall No
Shk Rashid Hall
Product Categories
Bakery, Cakes & DessertsBiscuit / CookiesCake MixesChocolate / Chocolate ProductsCoated Sweets / DrageesCocoa / Cocoa ProductsConfectioneryIce Cream / Sorbet / GelatoCakes / Dessert


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