
The Speciality Food Festival 2023


buononaturale is a brand of Nouvelle Terre, a family-owned business operating out of Irpinia ("the land of wolves"), a fertile province along the Southern Italian Apennines. The buononaturale products are based on original recipes, inspired by Italy's century-old culinary traditions but formulated in such a way as to help the modern consumer, busy yet demanding, to perform well without renouncing taste, health- and eco-consciousness, or enjoyment in the kitchen. buononaturale was created to provide the world with a one-stop shop for the highest-quality Made-in-Italy food production, organic and traditional. Our production is dislocated across rural Italy, with each product category being produced in the areas where that specific food (or ingredient) is typical. Our range of Italian fine products, semi-artisanally prepared based on recipes designed by our team of renowned chefs, is meant to take consumers on a journey through each region, and small village, of Italy where that food is typical.
Hall No
Al Mustaqbal Plaza
Product Categories
Chilled & Fresh FoodCondiments & SaucesFood Service


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