Ready-to-use sauces (10+ SKUs:  Black olive paté, Ketchup, Mustard, Ligurian or vegan pesto, Classic or soy mayonnaise, Soia or seitan ragout) — ORGANIC in glass jars of 120g to 350g

Ready-to-use sauces (10+ SKUs: Black olive paté, Ketchup, Mustard, Ligurian or vegan pesto, Classic or soy mayonnaise, Soia or seitan ragout) — ORGANIC in glass jars of 120g to 350g

Condiments & Sauces


1.     buononaturale offers various ready-to-use sauces, in both ambient and controlled temperatures. Our organic sauce range usually includes a traditional Italian sauce along with its vegan or gluten-free alternative, and as such satisfies all types of palates. This is the case of our original tomato sauces with either seitan or soia, of our pesto either in its traditional Ligurian variety or without animal products, of our mayonnaise either classic or using soy in lieu of animal products. Obviously, no GMOs, additives, chemical treatments (including ionizing radiations) are used; all vegetable ingredients are harvested fresh, in season, at time of usage and sourced locally across the Italian peninsula. We are also working on an extension of the current line, using plant-based rather than simple vegan recipes, whereby we will aim to recreate all organoleptic properties of the animal protein from texturized vegetable proteins.

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