Ready-to-use truffle condiments (5+ SKUs:  Mushroom sauce, carpaccio, flavored extra-virgin olive oil, flavored Acacia honey) —gluten free, in glass jars from 80g to 500g, or alternative packaging

Ready-to-use truffle condiments (5+ SKUs: Mushroom sauce, carpaccio, flavored extra-virgin olive oil, flavored Acacia honey) —gluten free, in glass jars from 80g to 500g, or alternative packaging

Truffle Products


1.     buononaturale sources its truffles from the Central-Southern Italian Apennines, across the regions of Campania and Molise. Our main truffle specialty line includes summer truffle sauces made with locally sourced porcini mushrooms, summer truffle carpaccio leaves, truffle-flavored extra-virgin olive oil, and truffle-flavored Acacia honey. buononaturale has also provided these gourmet, all-natural products (i.e., no GMOs, additives/preservatives, or chemical processing) in packaging other than glass jars, such as aluminium bags or tin cans.

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