

Far Eastern Impex caters to the demands for food colors by supplying all natural synthetic colors. FEI supplies a variety of food coloring in the form of liquids, powders, gels, pastes, Powdered Natural Color (Dice) and Blended Color (Dispersion-Lathe).FEI ensures that the quality of the food colors is meeting those of global standards, be it for pharmaceutical or for food coloring. FEI produces food coloring in two forms; dispersion colors and Lake pigments. Dispersion Colors are available in powder, granulated and liquid forms. The powder form is used in drinks; the granulated form is used in baked goods and confectionary items while the liquid form is used for wide variety of food products. Lake pigments are generally used for medicinal purposes and for Bakery industry cakes and doughnut mixes. These pigments are also used in confectionary items such as candies and chewing gums. In addition to this, they are used in cosmetic such as lipsticks, soaps and shampoos. FEI’s lake pigments are the best and most appropriate alternative to dyes, which are not soluble in water.

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