Smart free standing coffee vending machine

Smart free standing coffee vending machine

Green and Plant Based Manufacturing


◊intuitive touchscreen user interface  ◊ Coffee bean grinder  • COEX (coffee & espresso) • Capacity: From 6.5gms to 9.5gms ◊ Coffee shop menu style with up to 13 drinks ◊ Automatic cleaning and reminders ◊ Built-in cup dispenser and sensors with up to 600 capacity ◊ Supports multiple payment systems: • Cashless • Coin Changer • Note Acceptor ◊ Cup Capacity up to 800 cups ◊ Cup Size: Supports 7, 9 & 12 Oz ◊ Supports jug facility ◊ Free vend and paid vend option ◊ Vend Time: • 39sec (bean to cup) 160ml serving • 35sec (fresh brew) 160ml serving

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