Aseptic Lines

Aseptic Lines

Beverage Equipment & Supplies


Aseptic lines are composed by different machines, such as: - Aseptic tank, designed for storage of liquid foods which have been undergone to sterility treatment by UHT process. The system is suitable for either low acid or high acid liquid food storage. Thanks to its agitation system, the homogeneity of product is maintained in presence of pulp or particles too. - UHT sterilization systems, designed for heat treatment up to a temperature of 145°C. They are used in combination with aseptic filler for long-term products (milk, vegetable milk, soft drinks and juices) and boast the latest technologies in the sector: ·         - Very high level of automation, maintaining a user-friendly interface; ·         - Personalized heat treatment, in order to preserve the quality of product; ·         - Design of maximum heat recovery; ·         - Long production autonomies; ·         - Possibility to sterilize also products containing pulp and particles using a tubular heat exchanger instead of a plate one. - Aseptic fillers to be combined with tubular or plates sterilizers. There are many configuration possibilities: •           Single or double head, •           With or without aseptic buffer tank, •           Single drum or automatic management of the four bag in drums on pallet, •           Big bag (1.000 kg) or smaller sizes (5-10 kg).

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