Printed Tinplate/ Unprinted Tinplate/ Lacquered Tinplate

Printed Tinplate/ Unprinted Tinplate/ Lacquered Tinplate

Packaging Materials


Scan Holdings is a competitive and leading exporter for Printed and lacquered Tinplate that is used in the manufacturing of metal Cans and Lids/Bottoms for packaging of food, beverage drinks, paint and aerosol. With almost 30 years’ experience in Tinplate/TFS Can & End Making technology, Scan Holdings understands the importance of high-quality tinplate, high lacquer integrity (quality) and precision lithographic with exact color matching. So many of our customers prefer to directly buy lacquered and printed tinplate/TFS from us and avoid the administrative hassles and cost of first buying tinplate and later sending them to an agency for printing and/or lacquering.

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