Saffron Powder

Saffron Powder

Organic Products


REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE SAFFRON POWDER: Origin : Iran 1 g Saffron in Acrylic container * 12 Pcs Made of pure royal 100% natural Saffron. Our Product is Free from additives and preservatives. 100% Pure Saffron powder A+ Grade Saffron threads Dissolving quickly to give a distinctive taste and delicious aroma Saffron powder in NEW Acrylic package, with high durability and improved freshness. Saffron powder is just pure saffron threads that are ground and packed into a powder form for ease of use. Use a mortar and pestle to crush the saffron threads into a powder. Also, you can get it ready-made from our store. You can add the saffron powder directly to a dish without pre-soaking. Saffron powder dissolves easily in foods and adds a rich flavor to the entire dish. Use half the amount of saffron powder if your recipe calls for saffron threads. While saffron powder provides the rich golden color associated with mandi and other dishes, there will be no visible threads in your finished dish.

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